Has One NZ called me? 0800 777 443

Checking if a call you've received is from One NZ? Here are the numbers we use to call customers:


0800 777 443 - used by our sales team about new products or services.

Please note: It's an outbound number only (i.e. you can't call us back on that number) so the best number to call us back on is our customer service centre number: 777 from mobile or 0800 800 021 from any phone.

09 9830799 - used by our sales team about new products or services.

It's an outbound number only so the best number to call us back on is our customer service centre number: 777 from mobile or 0800 800 021 from any phone.

The numbers 09 9255508 and 09 9255509 are also used by our Outbound Calling Team for any New products or services/ Changes.

Customer service

0800 800 021 - used by our customer service centre.

Online Shop

0800 837 867 - used by our shop team to talk about a purchase you may have made.


0800 080 157 - Used by our Accounts team

Assisted Change Migration

0800 800 183 - this number used by our Assisted Change Migrations Team. An Mtxt gets sent to selected customers to let them know that One NZ will call to talk about their Broadband and simplifying our systems. If a customer calls about this please transfer them to 0800 800 183

One NZ Retail

09 9051600 - This is used by our Retail Team to contact our Business customers
09 9051601 - This is used by our Retail Team to contact our Consumer customers
0800 434 448 - This is used by our Retail Support Team

You can call back these numbers for more info.

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