Forward home phone callers to another number (HFC)

This article covers how, using Call Forward on your home phone, your caller can have their call transferred to another number that you have set up previously. You set the number to be called and control the times when calls will be transferred, including different times during the week and the weekend. There is a monthly fee for Call Forward .

  • To add this calling feature, please call us on 0508 888 800.
  • Please note: You'll need have Voicemail enabled and pay any applicable charges for the transferred portion of the call.

We recommend you advise your callers to press 0 to transfer their call in your voicemail greeting .
By default, your home phone number will be stored as the Call Forward number. You need to change this to the number to have your calls transferred to.

Steps to set up Call Forward

  1. From the Voicemail Main Menu (dial 0508 18 20 20), press 334, then
  2. Press 1 to turn Call Forward on or off
  3. Press 2 to set the Call Forward number i.e. where calls will be sent
  4. Press 3 to set up your Call Forward schedule.
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